Kaylyn Valentine Thompson

“Luxury is…to be able to take control of one’s life, health, and the pursuit of happiness in a way that is joyful.” - Andre Leon Talley


The Latest Stories


The Inside Scoop



I’ve always tried to live my life in a way that would rival a movie. Since I was a child I’ve documented my life and strived to live it to the fullest. I fully intend to see all that life has to offer and I want to take you on that journey with me. This section illustrates all of the pomp and circumstance, restaurants reviews, staycations and more. What a time to be alive! {Click the picture to read more}

“There is really no substitute for experience. Most Importantly, you have to be yourself, be who you are and take time to be open and honest with yourself. That is what it’s all about. If you don’t know yourself you’ll never have great style. You’ll never really live.” -Iris Apfel


I believe there is art in everything that we do. I strive to live full life, one that is intentional, beautiful and whole. I do that by prioritizing everyday luxury and designing my life in way that allows it to be soft and sustainable. This section covers the art of living which illustrates the ways in which I do life. I discuss my favorite tips and tricks to elevate everyday life, how I design my space, and my journey through sustainability. I hope you are inspired. {Click the picture to read more}

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful— that will be my life.” - Elsie De Wolfe


Growing up in California I was always surrounded by lots of family and events. There was always a celebration or a party to be had with personalities that would keep you on your toes all night long. My love for entertaining stems from the heritage of my family and fond childhood memories. This section of my website provides you with etiquette tips, ways to entertain, and the tools you need to execute. {Click the picture to read more}

That’s the secret to entertaining. You make your guests feel welcome and at home. If you do that, honestly, the rest takes care of itself.” -Barbara Hall

Style Stories

Style Stories are visual depictions of me and my style. They are meant to tell a story about what lifestyle activity I am doing and illustrate how I do it in style. I am really passionate about the stories because I think representation is very important. When you look at coffee table books about luxury living and leisure rarely do you see people who look like me. I hope to change that narrative. {Click the picture to read more}

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.” - Gore Vidal

“You can never be overdressed or over educated.” - Oscar Wilde

“Elegance is an attitude.” - Karl Lagerfeld

Style Stories


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