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How To Be a Good Guest: Birthdays

How To Be a Good Guest: Birthdays

Who doesn’t love a great birthday celebration? I consider birthday's life events; I mean it is a celebration of the day that someone was born. To me, that’s a pretty big deal. Some people take their birthday as seriously as I do, others dread thinking about it and some people fall in between. Regardless of how the birthday person deems a special occasion, you should take it seriously it’s never a bad idea to celebrate loved ones. It’s also important to make the people in your life feel special as often as possible. After all, we only have one life to live, why not spend it celebrating each other?

1. Be a good sport, it’s not about you

I really shouldn’t have to say this but I’ve heard far too many stories about friends trying to dictate birthday plans to accommodate themselves. This is very inappropriate not to mention rude. It’s one thing to let someone know what’s going on with you. But expecting someone to dictate their birthday around what you would like to do is in such bad taste. You should show up down for anything, ready to party and celebrate. Energy is huge and you don’t want your friend to look back and think about how stank your attitude was.

2. Dress appropriately, Don’t ruin the photos

Photos capture the essence of a moment. It would really suck for everyone to be in similar attire but you stick out like a soar thumb. Usually, this is illustrated by everyone in let’s say cocktail attire and you’re in jeans and a tee-shirt. I think "Celebration" is a category of attire by itself, but that’s just me. Lol

3. DO NOT cancel last minute

If you can’t attend, don’t call someone day of and cancel unless it’s an emergency. You should give a minimum 48-hour notice but preferably a week in advance depending on the type of plans. If someone needs a headcount for catering or payment to reserve your spot… Do not say you are attending until you are ready to pay. This is important, you don’t want to leave the Birthday person on the hook for your portion of the payment.

4. Get your flowers from a florist

Flowers make a lovely gift! For a birthday, flowers from the grocery store just won't do unless they are accompanying a great gift. Flowers from a florist put in great thought and effort and are fairly inexpensive, and usually more sentimental.

5. It’s the thought that counts

I believe in going above and beyond for my friends. When thinking of gifts I love to go for monogrammed gifts because personalization always makes things more special. I would prefer to get no gift if you are just going to buy me something random or cliche. It’s important to think about things your friends love or things they have been talking about and help them along with your gift.

Example: If you have a friend who wants to write a book… get them a new monogrammed notebook and a nice pen to write their notes from one of your favorite stores. Or if your friend talks about wanting to be more organized. Get them a new planner from your favorite paper goods company.

6. Capture all the great moments

Do your best to get great candid photos of your friends. They will appreciate the moment and feel like they were able to enjoy themselves.



Profile Picture From: @BashesDc

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