
Hello Love.

Welcome to KVT Takes The City. Your premier online resource for living your very best life! Where I spotlight style, experience, the art of living, and entertaining. Enjoy!

New Year, New Me, New Decade...Who Should I Be ?

New Year, New Me, New Decade...Who Should I Be ?

As we close out the end of the year and start a new decade I think it’s important to reflect on everything that was good, bad, and indifferent. With that, take what you need and throw the rest out! Leave behind anything that no longer serves you or has ever held you back. This is the freshest of fresh starts and it’s imperative you get off on the right foot! If you’ve been following along then you know I believe in living your very best life in the now and planning to live an even better life in the future. I believe in eating well, dancing the night away, being #teamoverdressed, and experiencing everything that interests you. I believe in building wealth, facing your problems head-on & healing from them, and most importantly moving forward! Upward and Onward is always the motto!

This is a very special time in our lives! We have more access to knowledge than we have ever had in the history of the existence of the world. With that, I challenge you to utilize all resources to develop your very best YOU! Not only are we in a new decade but we have a chance to relive the 20’s which is one of my favorite eras. So who will you decide to be?!?!

I think you should decide to be the ultimate you. Like the you that you’ve always dreamed of...A 2.0 version of you. The you that is operating at full capacity with no more excuses, no more hold-ups or setbacks just the best version of yourself. This past decade should have taught you everything you needed to know about yourself and who you plan to be. So now it’s time to execute!

Here’s How:

  1. Establish routines

  2. Workout regularly

  3. Get on a schedule

  4. Journal

  5. Meal plan/prep

  6. Leisurely read

  7. Read your bible

  8. Dive into your spirituality

  9. Try new experiences

  10. Stick to the Budget

  11. Save & Invest

  12. Take a course

  13. Attend a conference

  14. Network & Fellowship with friends

  15. Go to therapy

  16. Self-care, Self-care, Self-care

  17. Meditate

  18. Be kind

  19. Love without limits

  20. Travel the world

I want to see you be great! We weren’t put on this earth just to exist. We all have a purpose, and when you live in that purpose there are infinite possibilities for your life. You have the power to be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do in this world. You just have to decide what path to take forward. I look forward to seeing and hearing about all the great things you plan to do this year. As always I hope you are inspired, and I thank you for your unwavering support in me and my brand! Happy New Year!! Let’s make the most of the Twenties! “ I hope you live a life you’re proud of” -F. Scott Fitzgerald




Profile Picture From: @second.nyc, @coffeestainedlace

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