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Social Media Mindset: What You Need To Know

Social Media Mindset: What You Need To Know

I always get asked if I am ever intimidated or overwhelmed by social media and need a break? My answer is always “No, I love social media”. But, I also understand how it works and use it more for inspiration instead of comparison. I create content so I know how many pictures it takes to get five good ones. I understand the planning it takes to get a cohesive feed. I also understand the intentionality it takes to write articles, make captions, and choose the right pictures to speak to your audience authentically all while staying on brand. It’s not easy but it’s also curated. People post what they WANT you to see. The highlight reel is the best aspect of someone’s life so it’s easy to look at that and think wow my life isn’t that great. But guess what neither is theirs. People aren't posting when they are struggling or crying. They post reflections after they go through things. Which if we are being honest I would look at someone sideways if all of their business was on the internet anyway. Below I give clarity on the purpose of social media, what you should post if you aren’t sure what to share, and how you can support your favorite bloggers, influencers, business owners, musicians, etc.

The Purpose:

Social Media was started as a way to network and connect with people along with expressing yourself. It’s a way to document your life and capture all the memories and experiences. The connection is the key, you are supposed to look at others and bond on similarities. You should be inspired by someone who is living a life like the one you dreamed of. Why? Because it lets you know that it's possible. If they can do it so can you! The sky is the limit baby!

What to post:

A lot of people aren’t active on social media because they don’t know where to start or what is interesting. The number one key is authenticity. Who are you? What genuinely interests you? What are you good at?

Post yourself doing fun things, eating great food, spending time with loved ones, and on travel. Don’t post overly vulgar or invasive content, like private body parts or bodily fluids. Or things that you wouldn’t care about seeing yourself. Most likely others won’t care either. Share the most fascinating parts of you good or bad. Just make sure you tell your story. It’s all about the brand of you.

How to support:

It’s important to support people who you like and who’s content speaks to you. You do that by liking their post, commenting on posts, reading their articles, subscribing to their newsletters, buying their products, and lastly hitting the share button on their post to help expand their audience. This means more to them than you know. This is how some people pay their bills so it’s important to support. If you started a business you would want people to support you too right?

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”! Think about that the next time you are on social media daydreaming about someone else’s life. The grass is greener where you water it. Period. Water your grass doll and watch the flowers flourish. Then document the flourish and put it on your IG feed. Guess what, now you are #poppin on the gram!




Picture Credit: @mjrdesigns202

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