
Hello Love.

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How to go out by yourself when your friends are flakey AF!!

How to go out by yourself when your friends are flakey AF!!

It’s important to get the most out of this world while you can which means being brave, being open, and trying new things. That can be hard to do if you are an introvert, shy, anti-social or have a small circle. Even if you are social going out by yourself takes a lot of courage. I'm here to help! I attend movies, restaurants, events, and parties solo all the time. Here are six tips on going out by yourself.

1. Diversify Your Friend Portfolio 

I do my due diligence to stay in touch with people and build a good rapport. Because of this, I usually know someone everywhere I go. If I don’t, guess what, I’m making new connections. I also follow up with people and check in on people regularly. That’s how I build and keep relationships. You should do the same!

2. Get Active {Join Groups}

An easy way to meet new people and get acclimated to a new city is to join a group. There are groups for literally everything. There are church small groups, recreational sports teams at local gyms, workout groups, social groups at work, GroupMe groups, Facebook Groups, Meetup Groups, and elite clubs with memberships. All of these options are opportunities to diversify your friend portfolio but also learn about all the fun things going on around you.

PS: Have you heard? I launched a new meet up group called Rendezvous! If you want to hang out with me and other like-minded individuals sign up today! Our first meet up is this Saturday. Stay in the know about all the fun events I attend with exclusive access to events I curate monthly. I’ll see you there!

3. Manifest Your Night

It’s so important to pump yourself up if you are scared or need a little inspiration. Before heading out, put your favorite playlist on and jam until you arrive at your destination. YOU set the vibe for the night. YOU are in charge of the tone! If you plan to meet your favorite influencer or meet your new spouse just know that you can make it happen. YOU have all the power, as long as you BELIEVE that you do!

4. Confidence is Key, but So is Your Energy

Going out alone requires two main things, great energy, and confidence. When you go out on your own, you have to tell yourself that “YOU ARE IT” and you are gonna kill it tonight. Be positive! Your energy should be fun, friendly and open. After all, you never know who you will meet! Plus, it would be a shame to miss out on an opportunity because you didn’t exude the confidence to attract something that was meant to cross your path.

5. Be Present, Stay Off Your Phone

If you are at an event or the bar and there is a lot of people, stay off your phone. It’s a quick way to distract yourself in the corner all night and an easy escape. Be bold, and be present. Let people know you are there. Someone will approach you! I promise. Being alone is a great conversation starter for most people especially if they are shy. You being alone gives the average person a segue to you without any roadblocks. At the very least you will have an interesting conversation with a stranger. I find it to be some of the best convos.

6. Be Open, but Be Safe

In 2019 safety is essential. Before you go out alone, text at least 3 friends and let them know what you are doing. Drop a pin or share your location with at least one of them. Also, don’t forget to check BACK in and let your friends know that you made it home safely. If any of this seems excessive just know that you are more likely to get sex-trafficked than killed or kidnapped. It's just the world we live in. Move intentionally, and be smart. Extra precaution is better than no precaution.

If it is your first time going out on your own, let me know how it goes in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear all about it!



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