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Summer To Fall: 5 Home Maintenance Tips

Summer To Fall: 5 Home Maintenance Tips

When the seasons change it’s time to deep clean and assess all of the things you own. It’s organization, declutter and cleanse time. After all, why not start the new season fresh and free. Studies have shown when your space is a mess your psyche is a mess. It’s best to regularly take account of the things you don’t need and get rid of clutter. Plus with the season change comes new scents, decor, and the opportunity for new beginnings. Here are 5 steps to home maintenance as the season's transition.

1. Flip your mattress 

Twice a year I flip or rotate my mattress. This helps even out the mattress and aids in prolonging the lifespan. Flipping your mattress will also help with posture while you sleep and assist in proper body alignment. 

High Maintenance Hack: Never sleep in outside clothing or allow people to sit on your bed in outside clothing. Doing so will cause dust mites which means you will need to replace your mattress. The average mattress is good for 8-10 years.

2. Donate Clothing

Every season I try to assess my closet and get rid of things that don’t fit, are no longer my style or have noticeable wear and tear. It’s so important to DONATE instead of throw away. There are so many people in need, and throwing away clothing that is no longer useful to you, is not only wasteful but in very poor taste. There are drop off boxes around grocery stores and shopping centers everywhere. You have the option of consignment shops, goodwill, local homeless shelters and boys and girls clubs. You can resell clothing, and trade clothing, you have so many options these days not to mention some donations are tax-deductible. 

3. Clean/ Switch linens 

The season change is the best time to clean linens. Switch out shower curtain liners, mattress covers, bed skirts and down comforters. Wash your shower curtains, blankets, pillows, kitchen towels, window curtains, rugs, and extra sheets. These are the items that people use most often but forget to clean regularly. 

4. Corners & Ceilings

Dust and spider webs accumulate so quickly, especially with the season change. It’s also important to hit the floorboards every once in a while to reduce allergens and purify the space/air. Taking a swifter, microfiber cloth, or even a Q-tip to all the corners and ceilings will help refresh your home. 

5. Paperwork

Quarterly I go through all of my paperwork. I ensure my important documents (passport, birth certificate, social security card, etc.) are in the last place I left them. I go through old mail and documents that I saved for future reference. I tend to the drawers in my desk and assess what office supplies I have along with looking through all of my files. Then I create a shred pile so I can reduce my waste and recycle everything. Lastly, I go through what notebooks I haven’t finished and put them to use.

Let me know how you transition your home in the comments below.



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