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How To Be A Good Guest: Overnight & Weekend Stays

How To Be A Good Guest: Overnight & Weekend Stays

When you stay at someone's home you have to be respectful of their time and space first and for most. It’s important to understand that they are going out of their way to host you, so you have to make sure that you are not only helping them help you but also accommodating them with any information necessary. Here are my five tips to being a good guest when you are staying at someones home.

1. Express your intentions/ plans for your stay ahead of time so your host knows how to prepare for you

The first thing that you need to do when you are making arrangements to stay at a family or friends house overnight or for a weekend is to let them know your intentions during the stay. This allows the host to mentally prepare and physically prepare for your stay. This communication is key, you can stay for a weekend and only need a place to change and lay your head, or you could be relying on them to plan a fun-filled weekend for you in a new city, and end up disappointed when that doesn’t happen. This step is by far the most important step in the process for both host and guest because lack of communication could result in a situation where one or both parties feels great and the bond is now closer or disrespected and the bond is over. The choice is yours.

2. Leave the space how you found it

It’s imperative to keep the space you are occupying clean. A best practice is to leave it exactly how you found it. Hopefully, that’s clean and neat but you get the gist. Make your bed when you are leaving, clean up after yourself, be helpful.

3. Keep your stuff packed and tucked in the corner  

This is my rule of thumb to keep my stuff in order when I am not home. This also prevents me from losing or leaving anything behind. I usually will leave my toiletry bag out and accessible on the top of my suitcase and I keep everything packed in the suitcase or bag tucked in the corner. I take out what I need as far as outfits then I put everything back when I am done. This also helps the re-packing process I do at the end of the stay because everything is already folded, I just have to take it all out and re-pack it neatly.

4. Make yourself at home but this is not your home (don’t get too comfortable) 

Another rule of thumb I use is “Make yourself at home but don’t get too comfortable”. This means ask before you do things in other peoples home. Don’t snoop around people’s home, only go where they allow you to go, help cook or clean if they allow you to, and don’t mess up or break anything. Just remember always be polite, courteous, and helpful.

5. Bring a thank you gift

The same way you bring a hostess gift to a party you should bring a gift when you stay at someone’s house. A bottle of wine or a small trinket as a token of your appreciation is only appropriate. The host will feel loved and appreciated.

What has your experience been staying with friends and family? What tips and tricks do you have for overnight stays? Let me know below in the comments.



Photo Credit: Profile Picture From: @Brunchnista

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